Lilith, the Garden of Eden, Succubi
Lilith (The Warrior)
Lilith, portrayed as goddess of the night who tames wild beasts, represents the principle of repressed anger and conflict resolution. According to Hebraic tradition, as the first wife of Adam, Lilith depicts the first stage of the feminine consort. Eventually, Lilith leaves Adam, choosing exile and loneliness rather than domination and subjugation. As punishment for leaving Adam, Lilith became regarded as the personification of feminine evil. Her image embodied men’s worst fears concerning their sexuality and potency.
Astrologically the Asteroid Lilith represents repressed anger. Yet on the positive side Lilith can teach us that transformative energy can be used to merge rather than destroy relationships. Lilith can indicate an individual of personal independence and a refusal to submit.

Am I not created from the same dust? Denied her equality, fighting off Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof, she takes the fallen as lovers, and it is those offspring who carried the curse of death. Adam was left alone until God pitied him and created a subservient wife.
Further mythos: Succubi: They attach themselves to a sleeping man disguised as a part of their host's body (a mole, birthmark, hair, etc.), only appearing in their true form and size after their host has fallen asleep. They send their victim horrible dreams, and during these dreams they are able to reproduce.
In Medieval times, Princess Nahemal, who roughly corresponding to the goddess Lilith, was thought to be the leader of the succubi.-
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