Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rejuvenation Spell

Rejuvenation Spell by Walter L. Mora
This spell will help to renew your spiritual self as the Earth does every Spring. You will need the following materials:
*a small black candle and a small white candle
*medium sized yellow or green candle - if you can find one shaped like an egg, even better!
*a spring wreath to fit around the candle, either hand-made or bought at a craft store
*sandalwood incense
*your favorite essential oil - a scent that reminds you of Spring
*parchment paper
*a black pen and a gold-ink pen (you can find them at your local discount or crafts store like Micheal's)
*an ashpot, couldron, fire-proof container
First, break the parchment paper in half. Use the black pen to write on one sheet and title the page "BE GONE." With the black pen, write all the habits, feelings, situations, etc. that you want to get rid off. Use the back if you need more space. Place this negative list under the candleholder or votive of the black candle.
Second, take a nice bath or shower and cleanse yourself of any negative vibrations. Visualize the water washing over your body and taking away the black cloudy grime that surrounds you to reveal a brilliant white glow. After the bath or shower, anoint yourself with the essential oil and dress yourself in white comfy garments or skyclad if you prefer.
Third, return to your work space and now take the other sheet of parchment paper and with the gold pen title it "REBIRTH." With the gold pen, write all of those things you want to better in yourself, change for the positive, goals you desire to accomplish, etc. Make positive, active statements and void comments like I should, would, wish, hope or anything with negative connotations. This is your positive list so fill it with vibrant positive energy. When your list is complete, place the list under the candleholder or votive of the white candle.
Fourth, light the black and white cande and the incense. Take the incense holder and walk around your space three times clockwise. Situate the incense holder. Take the negative list from under the black candle and use its flame to set it afire and throw it in the ashpot, etc. As you do this say:
What once was will never be.
I'm making room for the new me.
Be gone, Be gone!
So mote it be!
Fifth, after the negative list is burnt to a crisp, take the positive list from under the white candle. Now here is where you need to be quick and steady. (If you feel you can't do this that is fine and work your way around it.) Set the positive list aflame with the white candle and immediately use the burning list to light your egg (or yellow, green, etc.) candle and throw the burning paper in to the ashpost, etc.
Sixth, after this envigorating event, look at your egg candle and say the following words:
Let me feel, let me see,
Now reborn in positivity.
As I hatch into Spring,
Let all good things now come in.
In perfect love and perfect trust,
With harm to none,
So mote it be!
Lastly, gaze at your candle for a moment and meditate if you wish. When your ready, take the ashpot outside and throw the ashes to the wind, making sure it doesn't come back into your house!. After that, make sure to snuff out the candles when appropriate. Go get something to eat and begin to enjoy your renewed self!

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