Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tree Meditation - Grounding

Grounding - Tree Method
There are many skills that are important to us to take care of ourselves. Grounding is one of them. Some of you will be familiar with this. Many others have just started your path and this will be something that you want to master. It will help you to control the flow of energy both around you and through you.

Nature is naturally grounding. It is the simplest, quickest method to ground. If it is warm outside I recommend going out barefoot and allowing the energy of the Earth to sooth you. Take walks whenever you can. The fresh air and energy of the earth around you will calm you.
Tree meditation. If the weather is warm while you are reading this go outside. Find a place that is comfortable and quiet. One that is taller then you though, for visualization purposes.

Stand underneath the tree. If you can be barefoot, do so. Now, look at the tree and notice the trunk of the tree extending into the ground. Can you see it’s roots? I want you to envision yourself as that tree. Stand up straight and take a few deep breaths. Visualize roots extending from your feet down into the soil beneath your feet. They are extending right into the earth to tap into it’s grounding energy.
Now I want you to look up towards the top of the tree. Can you see where it’s branches are extending towards the sky? Almost as if they are reaching toward that divine universal energy above? Extend your arms into the air and visualize them as branches extending towards the sky. Reach your fingertips up towards that energy and allow them to connect. Now I want you to envision a soft white loving light coming from the divine, through your fingertips, down through the trunk of your body, through the bottom of your feet, down your roots into the ground.
Work on envisioning yourself pulling that energy through it. As it goes through you it will take any negative energy and push it down into the ground to be cleared by the Earth. In it’s place it pure energy. Loving, warm, peaceful energy that makes your body rest, and all the muscles in your body relax. You are at peace here. Allow the light to cleanse you and restore your balance.
When you are ready, take a few deep breaths, and then drop your arms to your side and wiggle your toes. You now know how to ground! You can do this simple grounding method anywhere. You do not have to be next to a tree. With practice you will be able to do it in a matter of minutes.
The visualization and your intent is what matters. The energies of the universe will respond to your will.
Adapted from Jasmeine Moonsong
Grounding - Tree Method
 There are many skills that are important to us to take care of ourselves. Grounding is one of them.  Some of you will be familiar with this. Many others have just started your path and this will be something that you want to master. It will help you to control the flow of energy both around you and through you. 

Nature is naturally grounding. It is the simplest, quickest method to ground. If it is warm outside I recommend going out barefoot and allowing the energy of the Earth to sooth you. Take walks whenever you can. The fresh air and energy of the earth around you will calm you. 
Tree meditation. If the weather is warm while you are reading this go outside. Find a place that is comfortable and quiet. One that is taller then you though, for visualization purposes. 

Stand underneath the tree. If you can be barefoot, do so. Now, look at the tree and notice the trunk of the tree extending into the ground. Can you see it’s roots? I want you to envision yourself as that tree. Stand up straight and take a few deep breaths. Visualize roots extending from your feet down into the soil beneath your feet. They are extending right into the earth to tap into it’s grounding energy. 
Now I want you to look up towards the top of the tree. Can you see where it’s branches are extending towards the sky? Almost as if they are reaching toward that divine universal energy above? Extend your arms into the air and visualize them as branches extending towards the sky. Reach your fingertips up towards that energy and allow them to connect. Now I want you to envision a soft white loving light coming from the divine, through your fingertips, down through the trunk of your body, through the bottom of your feet, down your roots into the ground. 
Work on envisioning yourself pulling that energy through it. As it goes through you it will take any negative energy and push it down into the ground to be cleared by the Earth. In it’s place it pure energy. Loving, warm, peaceful energy that makes your body rest, and all the muscles in your body relax. You are at peace here. Allow the light to cleanse you and restore your balance. 
When you are ready, take a few deep breaths, and then drop your arms to your side and wiggle your toes. You now know how to ground! You can do this simple grounding method anywhere. You do not have to be next to a tree. With practice you will be able to do it in a matter of minutes. 
 The visualization and your intent is what matters. The energies of the universe will respond to your will. 
Adapted from Jasmeine Moonsong

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