Monday, November 25, 2013

Olive Oil and Lavender Hand Lotion

Olive oil is very moisturizing, and contains vitamin A and antioxidants.  Lavender soothes, heals and moisturizes while being antiviral and antibacterial.  Vitamin E is optional, you can find it at CVS or Walgreens in the vitamin section.  It is very nourishing as well as a natural preservative.You can even add Lemon essential oil if you are trying to fade sun spots.  Lemon and Lavender smell wonderful together. 

Olive Oil and Lavender Hand Cream
1 cup distilled water
1 tsp. Citric Acid
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1 tsp Vitamin E
20 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Heat Wax, Vitamin E and Olive Oil in double boiler.  Heat water and citric acid in another double boiler.  Once the emulsifying wax is melted and once citric acid has dissolved remove from heat and mix the water into the oil.  As a rule of thumb, both mixtures need to be about the same temperature when mixed.  This temperature is typically around 130 degrees.  Once mixed add essential oils and pour into containers and SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE until you notice the water and oils aren't seperating-this takes maybe 3 good shakes over a span of about and hour.  Let set for 24 hours and voila, you have lotion!

*Citric Acid is a preservative that I have used for a while.  It works well and is pretty natural.  That being said, you will prolong the life of your cream if you put it in a pump and avoid touching the cream.  Always use distilled water as well.  Vitamin E, Grapefruit Extract and Rosemary Extract are some other natural preservatives that can be added to this recipe. You can also store your home made skin care in the fridge to prolong it's life.  If your lotion begins to smell, toss it and for sure toss if there is mold forming on the top.  When you don't use chemicals you just don't get products that last as long. 
*One more tip-Do not store in the fridge during those 24 hours that it is setting up.  I made this mistake thinking I could speed up the process and it's consistency was inconsistent!  I ended up having to mix it with my hand mixer the next day and managed to salvage it but avoiding mixing was the whole point of this recipe!  Don't do it!

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