Saturday, November 30, 2013

Essential oils on pets

Using essential oils on pets is similar to people as there are precautions you should take. Because pets are much smaller, essential oils should be diluted more than for an adult person.

Dilution guidelines: when in doubt contact your DVM.
Horses require minimum to no dilution ( 1 drop essential oil in 1 tsp carrier oil to help disperse)
Dogs: 0-25lbs – 75% dilution (1 drop essential oil to 4 drops carrier oil)
26-45lbs -50-75%
46-75lbs – 50%
76-90lbs – 25-50%
+150lbs – 0-25%
Cats, ferrets, rabbits, reptiles – 75-90%
Birds & Amphibians – 90-95% or hydrosols (1 drop essential oil mixed with water in 8 ounce spray bottle)

Lemon essential oil: Used to increase awareness in training or cognitive issues. It is an anti-parasitic and can be combined with others safely, excellent for skin conditions. Use topically, diffused or ingested.
Lavender essential oil: Use for injuries while hiking or riding. Gentle but anti-infectious. When combined with peppermint, healing is increased and infection and pain is decreased. Repels parasites and calms nervous system. May be helpful for masses and tumors.
Frankincense: Safer, gentle oil that is a favorite for smaller pets and birds. Used in every aspect of pet care: wounds, tumors, behavior, infections, bacteria and fungal control. Dilution recommended with lavender.
Peppermint: Most used oil for overheated horses and dogs, provides cooling quickly. Used on long hikes, placing a drop in water for internal cooling. Peppermint must be diluted for cats, 1 part oil to 4 parts vegetable oil
Recommendations from Dr. Mary Hess, DVM.

Natures Sunshine Essential oil available from me at

What are essential oils?

What are essential oils? 
These oils are extracted from various parts of plants. 
Here are a few popular essential oils and their sources below...
1. From the flower – Jasmine, Rose, Lavender
2. From leaves/grasses – Bay, Thyme, Basil, Rosemary, Lemongrass
3. From the fruit – Orange, Lemon, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime
4. From the berry – Juniper
5. From the wood – Sandalwood, Cedar, Rosewood, Neem
6. From the roots – Ginger, Orris
7. From the bark – Cinnamon, Ravensara
8. From the moss – Oakmoss
9. From the resin – Myrrh

How to use...
1. Essential oils are very strong and shouldn't be used directly. Always combine them with carrier oil (olive oil, coconut oil,) and use.
2. Essential oils vaporize easily. So keep the lid closed.
3. Always store the essential oils in a cool, dark place away from sunlight.
4. Essential oils are known to burn sensitive skin. So if you have particularly sensitive skin, stay away from these in regular dosage.
5. As they do not contain any fatty acids, these essential oils are not greasy.
6. Essential oils are very calming on the mind and the body. A few drops of lavender oil on your pillow case gets you a deep sleep.
7. Tea tree oil is also an essential oil. It is mainly used for the treatment of acne and blemishes. Make sure you dilute it with your regular moisturizer for application.
8. Essential oils are therapeutic in nature. They can be used as tranquilizers.
9. Another wonderful usage of these oils is in soaps and lotions. Use them in your moisturizer/body cream that has almost no fragrance, and add in tiny drops of essential oil to it, mix well and apply. This will ensure you a great smelling body all day J
10. Neem oil is used in the treatment of dandruff and boils on the scalp.
11. Sandalwood oil is extensively used in soap industry. Diluted sandalwood oil is known to fade acne blemishes and also treat skin on regular usage.
12. A great way to incorporate essential oils in your home is to add few drops in your humidifier or vaporizer. Alternatively, you can dampen some cotton balls with essential oils and place them near vents and fans. This ensures that your house smells great as you do.
13. Some essential oils are ingestible too namely lemon and grapefruit. Consumed in minute quantities, these oils will fill you with energy and help you achieve clear skin. A drop of these in your respective juices/smoothies is enough for consumption.
14. The most used essential oils for perfumes – jasmine oil and lavender oil. Orange oil is preferred for homes while lemons and neem are for insect repelling qualities.
Adapted article from

Natures Sunshine Essential oil available from me at

Cheshire Smile

One of the ancient Celtic tribes living in the region during the Roman occupation were the Cornovii of Cheshire and Staffordshire whose symbol has always been thought to have been a cat, which may explain the presence of many cats in Cheshire and Staffordshire. They were known as the 'People Of The Cat' and it is said that some Celtic tribes like the Cattraighe (cat folk) worshipped the goddess 'Catha' or 'Cata'. In his book 'Earth Mysteries Of The Three Shires' Doug Pickford is of the opinion that a tribe worshipping Catha centred their worship on a rock feature known as the 'Cat Stones' which are part of 'The Cloud', a dramatic hill on the way into Leek from Macclesfield. It is said locally that sacrificial victims were thrown down this sheer rock face to be dashed to pieces on an altar somewhere below at the spring equinox (Easter time) and the rock face does indeed have a natural image of a giant cat's face formed from time-etched cracks and curves. As Doug says: "The cat's face comes and the cat's face goes. Now you see it, now you don't. Surely a magical and mysterious sign to the worshippers of the cat goddess ?"

In a similar sacrificial vein the 'Cheshire Smile' or 'Cheshire Grin' was a term once widely used in the area for death by the cutting of the throat from ear to ear or by hanging. The first instance of the 'smile' surviving in Cheshire is probably represented by the garrotted remains of Lindow Man or 'Pete Marsh', the Celtic sacrificial peat bog body thought to have been sacrificed in about 61 AD by local Druids in an attempt to avert the impending Roman attack on Anglesey (which came in 63 AD). Two other bodies have also been recovered, one on Lindow moss and a head on Worsley moss, both killed in the same way at about the same time. However, the term, as it survives today, comes entirely from the days of capital punishment and execution by hanging.
One of the ancient Celtic tribes living in the region during the Roman occupation were the Cornovii of Cheshire and Staffordshire whose symbol has always been thought to have been a cat, which may explain the presence of many cats in Cheshire and Staffordshire. They were known as the 'People Of The Cat' and it is said that some Celtic tribes like the Cattraighe (cat folk) worshipped the goddess 'Catha' or 'Cata'. In his book 'Earth Mysteries Of The Three Shires' Doug Pickford is of the opinion that a tribe worshipping Catha centred their worship on a rock feature known as the 'Cat Stones' which are part of 'The Cloud', a dramatic hill on the way into Leek from Macclesfield. It is said locally that sacrificial victims were thrown down this sheer rock face to be dashed to pieces on an altar somewhere below at the spring equinox (Easter time) and the rock face does indeed have a natural image of a giant cat's face formed from time-etched cracks and curves. As Doug says: "The cat's face comes and the cat's face goes. Now you see it, now you don't. Surely a magical and mysterious sign to the worshippers of the cat goddess ?"
In a similar sacrificial vein the 'Cheshire Smile' or 'Cheshire Grin' was a term once widely used in the area for death by the cutting of the throat from ear to ear or by hanging. The first instance of the 'smile' surviving in Cheshire is probably represented by the garrotted remains of Lindow Man or 'Pete Marsh', the Celtic sacrificial peat bog body thought to have been sacrificed in about 61 AD by local Druids in an attempt to avert the impending Roman attack on Anglesey (which came in 63 AD). Two other bodies have also been recovered, one on Lindow moss and a head on Worsley moss, both killed in the same way at about the same time. However, the term, as it survives today, comes entirely from the days of capital punishment and execution by hanging.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Whipped Natural Essential Vapor Rub

Whipped Natural Essential Vapor Rub

1/2 cup Coconut Oil
30 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
20 drops Peppermint essential oil
15 drops Tea Tree essential oil (optional)
10 drops Lavender essential oil (optional)
100 % Essential oils from

Whip the Coconut oil, add your oils, & whip again - It's that easy!!
This is my version that I altered from many other recipes on the internet.

PEPPERMINT- Breaks up congestion. relieves headaches, antibacterial, antiviral
EUCALYPTUS- Breaks up congestion. anti fungal, antibacterial
TEA TREE- Strongly anti fungal, anti microbial and great for fighting infections
LAVENDER- Eases pain. anti fungal, helps with sinusitis

essential oil headache eraser

essential oil headache eraser

20 drops Peppermint essential oil
17 drops Eucalyptus globulus essential oil
15 drops Cajeput essential oil
10 drops Rosemary essential oil
10 drops Lavender essential oil
5 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil (optional)
1 drop Helichrysum essential oil (optional)
1 toothpick swirl Vetiver essential oil (optional)
~2mL Perfumery alcohol (or vodka) or carrier oil, to fill
Start with a 5mL roll on bottle or glass bottle (5mL= 1 tsp). An empty 5mL essential oil bottle will work beautifully if you don’t have the roll on bottle.
Add the essential oils to the bottle—they will add up to about 3mL.
Top off with perfumery alcohol or a light carrier oil of your choice. It’s really up to you what you use here. I used perfumery alcohol because I had it on hand, and it evaporates faster than the carrier oil will. If you don’t have perfumery alcohol, just go ahead and use a carrier oil like grapeseed or safflower.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Geographical Sources: Native to tropical Asia, especially Indonesia and the Philippines.
Extraction: Steam distillation of the dried leaves.
Characteristics: Patchouli is a rich, heavy oil and is dark amber in color. It has a sweet, earthy odor and a tendency to linger. This oil’s fragrance improves with age. A young Patchouli, freshly distilled, smells much more green and sour than when aged.   I use a “vintage” Patchouli that’s about 15 years old and deliciously rich and mellow.  The aroma has real staying power so a little goes a long way.  When using this oil with on clients or making blends for others, keep in mind that many people do not like the aroma of this oil.
Chemical Families:  Sesquiterpenes and Sesquiterpenols
Safety:  Nontoxic, non irritant, non sensitizing.
Therapeutic Properties:
  • Alleviates inflammation
  • Kills bacteria
  • Reduces stress, depression and anxiety.
  • Used in blends for skin conditions such as dryness, inflammation, scars and sores.
  • Energetically balancing for an overactive mind, and for nervous strain.
  • Add to any blend for an antidepressant effect.
  • Use in Aloe Vera for weepy eczema or in a cream as a skin moisturizer.
  • Add to massage oil for soothing an overactive mind and to encourage sleep.
  • Put about 10 drops in your natural incense to repel insects
Blends well with:  Cistus, Vetiver, Sandalwood, Geranium, Lavender, Rose, Bergamot, Myrrh
A Recipe Using Patchouli:
Insect Repellent

4 drops Patchouli
5 drops Cedarwood
3 drops Eucalyptus citriodora
4 drops Opopanax
2 drops Spikenard
Add to a 2 oz spray bottle filled with water. Spray on your clothes and skin freely.
(Thank you to Karen Williams of for this great recipe.)
Subtle Properties (vibrational and energetic): Patchouli is an important oil in the energetic realm because it strongly resonates with our base chakra which grounds and strengthens the will to live. This oil opens the chakras in the feet and draws energy from Mother Earth.
According to Joni Keim, Patchouli resonates with the following chakras:
  • Base (1st): Strengthens and ground this energy center, relieving deficiencies in base energy center. Reattaches the physical body with subtle bodies.
  • Sacral (2nd): Spiritualizes sexuality. Facilitates enjoyment of the senses and awakening of creativity.
  • Third Eye (6th): Relaxes a tense, over active intellect.
  • Feet Centers: Opens feet centers to connect with a draw earth energy.


MOISTURIZING body spray!

You might be thinking why not just wear perfume? Well, there are so many chemicals in perfume.  It is one of the worst products you can use.  Perfume is full of toxins and obviously artificial fragrances that cause hormone issues to say the least. 

To make a body splash all you need is Witch Hazel (vodka will work too), and essential oils!  If you want to quench your skin you can add an oil of your choice.  For mine, I added olive oil-I love how the smell mixes with my choice of essential oils.  You could use almond oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, apricot oil etc.  So, let's get started!

Homemade Body Splash

1 cup water
1 TBSP Witch Hazel
1 TBSP Olive Oil
20-30 drops Essential oils of your choice.

My suggestions for essential oils in your body splash are always Lavender mixed with something warm.  Sandalwood is one of my favorites.  I love adding lemon essential oil as well.  Peppermint and Rosemary are nice and refreshing together.  I also love Bergamot.  Bergamot pairs well with lavender or lemon.  If you want something light and fresh, citrus oils are great-grapefruit, lemon and sweet orange will give you a burst of energy!  Get creative-add more drops of the scent you love the most and then tailor the rest to your preference.  Always use Pure Certified essential oils.
Here are some of my suggestions....

15 drops Lavender, 10 drops Sandalwood, 5 drops Lemon
20 drops Lavender, 10 drops Peppermint
20 drops Bergamot, 10 drops Lemon
20 drops Lavender, 10 drops Bergamot
10 drops Grapefruit, 10 drops Lemon, 10 drops Sweet Orange
20 drops Rosemary, 10 drops Sweet Orange
10 drops Peppermint, 10 drops Rosemary

Get creative!   Remember to always shake your body splash before using.  Oil and water separate.  Spray this after a shower and enjoy the aromatherapy as well as the moisture.  Your skin will drink it up!

Order the oils you need here...
Great recipe & instructions from

Inspiration Jar

Inspiration Jar
The purpose is to bring on inspiration. For creativity - Author Unknown
Items you will need:
1 mason jar
1 small crystal 
Dried orange peels{two thirds}
Dried mint(one third}
2 drops orange oil
1 drop mint oil
A square piece of black cotton fabric
A rubber band
Orange fabric paint or orange acrylic paint
Orange ribbon

*Note: The color orange is the color of creative energies. The shading of how dark or how light the orange is that you use will denote the level of creative energies you wish to channel. A dark orange will take you deep into the creative energies while a light orange is less intense.

Moon cycle: No moon cycle is selected for this spell because all phases of the Moon hold different levels of creative energies, including the dark Moon. If you follow Moon phases, choose the cycle that fits your purpose best.

Gather all items. With a clean and dry jar before you place the mint first and then the orange peels inside, filling it up about two thirds of the way. Add two drops of orange oil and one drop mint oil. More if you are using a large mason jar. Stir ingredients together.

Take the small crystal in your hand and saying these words:
"Creativity Come to me in whispers and dreams and visions that gleam. So mote it be!"

Now, place the crystal inside the jar with the potpourri. For the lid, cover the opening of the jar with black fabric so that the side of the fabric hangs down over the edges about 2 inches. With a pencil, mark the center top of the fabric. Take the fabric off the jar, lay it flat on a hard surface. Using orange paint, acrylic or fabric paint, paint on a spiral. While the paint is drying, cover the jar temporarily with a lid so that it does not get spilled.

*Spiral: The spiral is a symbol of the dance of life. It shows the continuous cycle of ourselves going inward within ourselves and then going outward expressing ourselves.

*Black: The black fabric in this spell is used as an absorption color. Black absorbs all colors and all energies. By placing the orange spiral on this we are signifying just what those energies are that the black is absorbing, all creative energies.

Once the paint is dry, place the fabric on the jar once again. The spiral should now be on the centered top of the jar's mouth. Holding the fabric in place, wrap the rubber band around the sides to hold it in place. Next, tie the orange ribbon overtop of the rubber band.

Keep this inspiration jar in your work area, where you do your writing, painting, drawing, or keep it by your bed to bring on inspiring dreams.

Essential oils available at

Peppermint Essential Oil

The entire Peppermint plant contains menthol, an organic compound with local anesthetic properties which provides a wonderful cooling sensation while it naturally alleviates discomfort. It also has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, antispasmodic and carminative properties.

Some benefits of peppermint oil -

Indigestion: One of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion is peppermint. Peppermint oil is very helpful in digestion as it has a carminative property of expelling gas (from the stomach or intestines so as to relieve flatulence or abdominal pain or distension).

Massage several drops on your abdomen, place a drop on wrists, or inhale to soothe motion sickness or general nausea.
Drinking mint tea has long been the antidote to an upset stomach.
Inhaling peppermint oil is also said to help curb the appetite by triggering a sense of fullness.

Colds/Congestion: Menthol provides effective relief from many respiratory problems including nasal congestion, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis and the common cold and cough. It is often included as an ingredient in natural chest rubs to help with congestion.

Massage 2-3 drops (along with a carrier oil) onto chest or drop into a humidifier to help clear sinus and lung congestion.
If you're head is feeling stuffed or you can't stop coughing, try a peppermint essential oil steam. Pour boiling water into a metal or glass bowl, and add a few drops of essential oil (eucalyptus and rosemary are good combinations with peppermint). Drape a towel over your head and position your face 10-12 inches above the bowl and breathe in the steam.

Headache: Peppermint oil is terrific to keep on hand at your desk or in your purse, especially if you are prone to headaches. The use of this oil has also been known to effectively lessen tandem symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to noise and sensitivity to light.

With a small amount of almond or other carrier oil and a drop of peppermint oil, rub on your temples, forehead, over the sinuses (avoid contact with eyes), and on the back of the neck to help soothe headache and pressure. When applied topically, peppermint oil leaves a soothing, cooling sensation that tends to work wonders.
Stress: Like many other essential oils, peppermint is able to provide relief from stress, depression and mental exhaustion due to its refreshing nature. It is also effective against feeling anxious and restless.

For stress relief, the combination of peppermint, lavender and geranium essential oils added to a warm bath help relieve stiffness while absorbed through the skin.
Try aromatherapy by using a candle lamp diffuser with essential oils.

Energy/Alertness: Peppermint oil powerfully affects and improves mental clarity and raises energy levels. If you're trying to cut back on caffeine, this may be a blessing to your mid-afternoon lull.

Rub a drop of oil under the nose to help improve concentration and alertness.
Diffuse Peppermint oil in the room to improve concentration and accuracy.
Apply to the back of the neck and shoulders repeatedly to keep energy levels up during the day.
Inhale before and during a workout to help boost your mood and reduce fatigue.

Sore muscles -
Because peppermint oil has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, it not only can relieve pain and inflammation but can also calm the spasms that cause muscle cramps

And the list of uses goes on....
If you have a problem with ants in your house, leave a peppermint soaked cotton ball in their pathway. They're not big fans of mint and you'll have the nice aroma lingering in your home!
For tired aching feet, add a few drops to a foot bath for some relief of sore, swollen and overworked feet!
Give your trash can area a break and add a few drops to the bottom for a pleasant minty aroma.
Adapted from

Always a great price on Peppermint oil
Photo: The entire Peppermint plant contains menthol, an organic compound with local anesthetic properties which provides a wonderful cooling sensation while it naturally alleviates discomfort. It also has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, antispasmodic and carminative properties.

Some benefits of peppermint oil -

Indigestion: One of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion is peppermint. Peppermint oil is very helpful in digestion as it has a carminative property of expelling gas (from the stomach or intestines so as to relieve flatulence or abdominal pain or distension).

Massage several drops on your abdomen, place a drop on wrists, or inhale to soothe motion sickness or general nausea.
Drinking mint tea has long been the antidote to an upset stomach.
Inhaling peppermint oil is also said to help curb the appetite by triggering a sense of fullness.

Colds/Congestion: Menthol provides effective relief from many respiratory problems including nasal congestion, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis and the common cold and cough. It is often included as an ingredient in natural chest rubs to help with congestion.

Massage 2-3 drops (along with a carrier oil) onto chest or drop into a humidifier to help clear sinus and lung congestion. 
If you're head is feeling stuffed or you can't stop coughing, try a peppermint essential oil steam. Pour boiling water into a metal or glass bowl, and add a few drops of essential oil (eucalyptus and rosemary are good combinations with peppermint). Drape a towel over your head and position your face 10-12 inches above the bowl and breathe in the steam. 

Headache: Peppermint oil is terrific to keep on hand at your desk or in your purse, especially if you are prone to headaches. The use of this oil has also been known to effectively lessen tandem symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to noise and sensitivity to light.

With a small amount of almond or other carrier oil and a drop of peppermint oil, rub on your temples, forehead, over the sinuses (avoid contact with eyes), and on the back of the neck to help soothe headache and pressure. When applied topically, peppermint oil leaves a soothing, cooling sensation that tends to work wonders. 
Stress: Like many other essential oils, peppermint is able to provide relief from stress, depression and mental exhaustion due to its refreshing nature. It is also effective against feeling anxious and restless.

For stress relief, the combination of peppermint, lavender and geranium essential oils added to a warm bath help relieve stiffness while absorbed through the skin.
Try aromatherapy by using a candle lamp diffuser with essential oils.

Energy/Alertness: Peppermint oil powerfully affects and improves mental clarity and raises energy levels. If you're trying to cut back on caffeine, this may be a blessing to your mid-afternoon lull.

Rub a drop of oil under the nose to help improve concentration and alertness.
Diffuse Peppermint oil in the room to improve concentration and accuracy.
Apply to the back of the neck and shoulders repeatedly to keep energy levels up during the day.
Inhale before and during a workout to help boost your mood and reduce fatigue.

Sore muscles - 
Because peppermint oil has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, it not only can relieve pain and inflammation but can also calm the spasms that cause muscle cramps

And the list of uses goes on....
If you have a problem with ants in your house, leave a peppermint soaked cotton ball in their pathway. They're not big fans of mint and you'll have the nice aroma lingering in your home!
For tired aching feet, add a few drops to a foot bath for some relief of sore, swollen and overworked feet!
Give your trash can area a break and add a few drops to the bottom for a pleasant minty aroma.
Adapted from

Always a great price on Peppermint oil

Mars Oil

Mars Oil
2 drops Ginger Essential Oil
2 drops Basil Essential Oil
1 drop Black Pepper Essential Oil
Wear for physical power, lust, & magickal energy 

100% Essential oil can be purchased from me at
Mars oil is made on Tuesdays in the hour of Mars in the daytime.
Focus mineral: Garnet

Mars is the Warrior god because it is quicker than the emperor planet Jupiter and the elder god Saturn. Mars takes 687 days to complete its circuit from the perspective of Earth. Mars is also known as Ares in the Greek mythologies.
Mars therefore rules matters of war, conflict, borders, boundaries, surgery, hunting, lust, passion, strength, courage, sports, competitions, and debate.
Also a strong oil for Protection and Healing.

Possible uses include -
• When confronted with an enemy, use it on your wrists and palms to have courage.
• Anyone in the military, police force or security will find it brings them honor and they will automatically make the right moves and decisions. Anoint your 3rd eye, heart and palms each day.

Eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus essential oil
Main Qualities ~
Antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, decongestant, deodorant, expectorant, insect repellent.

It can Benefit Arthritis, muscular aches and pains, sprains, Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, chest infections, colds, coughs, flu, sinusitis, boils, chilblains, cold sores, shingles, skin infections, skin ulcers, wounds, chickenpox, fever, diarrhea, high blood sugar, low blood pressure, poor circulation.

Different types of uses - Bath, compress, insect repellent, massage, room fragrance, steam inhalation.

Purchase at

Warning it is Not suitable for babies or young children. May be skin irritant, use in low dosages
Use moderately & with care.& not for internal use
Photo: Eucalyptus essential oil 
Main Qualities ~
Antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, decongestant, deodorant, expectorant, insect repellent.

It can Benefit Arthritis, muscular aches and pains, sprains, Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, chest infections, colds, coughs, flu, sinusitis, boils, chilblains, cold sores, shingles, skin infections, skin ulcers, wounds, chickenpox, fever, diarrhea, high blood sugar, low blood pressure, poor circulation.

Different types of uses - Bath, compress, insect repellent, massage, room fragrance, steam inhalation.

Purchase at 

Warning it is Not suitable for babies or young children. May be skin irritant, use in low dosages 
Use moderately & with care.& not for internal use

Monday, November 25, 2013

DIY Peppermint Eucalyptus Vapor Rub

DIY Peppermint Eucalyptus Vapor Rub

Unlike Mentholatum, this recipe contains beeswax, not petroleum.  If you are like me, you often have runny noses dripping around your house, not to mention fall's allergies are just around the corner! This recipe is so nourishing for the skin while also being a powerful decongestant.  Essential oils are potent and deliver great results without the side effects and toxic ingredients.

I prefer to use coconut oil as the base of this salve due to the extremely healing powers of coconut oil.  It's great for over blown sore noses!  If you don't have coconut oil and need to make this ASAP, feel free to use grapeseed, olive, sweet almond or jojoba oil.  

PEPPERMINT- Breaks up congestion. relieves headaches, antibacterial, antiviral
EUCALYPTUS- Breaks up congestion. anti fungal, antibacterial
TEA TREE- Strongly anti fungal, anti microbial and great for fighting infections
LAVENDER- Eases pain. anti fungal, helps with sinusitis

This is an easy recipe to do-so get your stove top hot and let's get started!


1/2 cup Coconut Oil (olive oil, jojobagrapeseed oil etc. will also work)
2 TBSP Beeswax
30 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
20 drops Peppermint essential oil
15 drops Tea Tree essential oil (optional)
10 drops Lavender essential oil (optional)
Once beeswax is melted remove double boiler from heat and add essential oils.  While the mixture is still liquid pour in a 4 ounce jar.  You will have about an ounce left over.  A lip balm tube, tin or jar is great for the excess so you can take it on the go!  The mixture will not take long to harden but if you want to speed up the process you can put your jar in the fridge.  

Don't forget to use this salve on your temples for headaches and even on sore muscles for pain relief!

Olive Oil and Lavender Hand Lotion

Olive oil is very moisturizing, and contains vitamin A and antioxidants.  Lavender soothes, heals and moisturizes while being antiviral and antibacterial.  Vitamin E is optional, you can find it at CVS or Walgreens in the vitamin section.  It is very nourishing as well as a natural preservative.You can even add Lemon essential oil if you are trying to fade sun spots.  Lemon and Lavender smell wonderful together. 

Olive Oil and Lavender Hand Cream
1 cup distilled water
1 tsp. Citric Acid
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1 tsp Vitamin E
20 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Heat Wax, Vitamin E and Olive Oil in double boiler.  Heat water and citric acid in another double boiler.  Once the emulsifying wax is melted and once citric acid has dissolved remove from heat and mix the water into the oil.  As a rule of thumb, both mixtures need to be about the same temperature when mixed.  This temperature is typically around 130 degrees.  Once mixed add essential oils and pour into containers and SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE until you notice the water and oils aren't seperating-this takes maybe 3 good shakes over a span of about and hour.  Let set for 24 hours and voila, you have lotion!

*Citric Acid is a preservative that I have used for a while.  It works well and is pretty natural.  That being said, you will prolong the life of your cream if you put it in a pump and avoid touching the cream.  Always use distilled water as well.  Vitamin E, Grapefruit Extract and Rosemary Extract are some other natural preservatives that can be added to this recipe. You can also store your home made skin care in the fridge to prolong it's life.  If your lotion begins to smell, toss it and for sure toss if there is mold forming on the top.  When you don't use chemicals you just don't get products that last as long. 
*One more tip-Do not store in the fridge during those 24 hours that it is setting up.  I made this mistake thinking I could speed up the process and it's consistency was inconsistent!  I ended up having to mix it with my hand mixer the next day and managed to salvage it but avoiding mixing was the whole point of this recipe!  Don't do it!

DIY Perfume


3 tsp. Jojoba Oil (you could also use Sweet Almond oil)
5 TBSP. Vodka (the higher quality the less odor)
2 TBSP. Distilled Water
25 drops of Essential oils

1. Add Oil
2. Add 7 drops of Base Note
3. Add 7 drops of Middle Note
4  Add 7 drops of Top Note
5. Add Vodka
6. Shake bottle for 2 minutes and let set for 48 hours-6 weeks
7. Add water and shake
8. Filter through a coffee filter and transfer into dark glass bottle(s)

OR-if you are not comfortable using alcohol or want a simpler recipe-you can follow RECIPE # 2

5 ml dark glass bottle
20 drops of oil all together-10 drops Base note  5 drops Middle note  5 drops Top Note
fill the rest with Almond Oil or Jojoba Oil
1. Mix ingredients together
2. Let set for 48 hours-6 weeks
3. ENJOY! 

*It is very important that you follow the order listed in perfume #1's instructions.  Always add your oil first then add your base note, middle note, and top notes in that order.  If you don't, the fragrance will actually be different.  Always take notes and write down exactly what you do in case you come up with something that you love and will need to make more of!* 

A little background about Essential Oils and Perfume making-

The Frenchman, Piesse classified the scents of essential oils in the 19th century according to musical scales, and this is where the top, middle and base notes came from.
Typically top notes make up 15 - 25% of the blend. Middle notes make up 30 - 40% of the blend. Base notes make up 45 - 55% of the blend.  How poetic, huh?  Your perfume is like a musical chord!  All the oils should "harmonize" together.  I love that!

Top notes

Top notes tend to evaporate very fast and normally have anti-viral properties.
They tend to be light, fresh and uplifting.  Top notes give the first impression of a perfume but usually don't last long.
Here are a list of essential oils considered to be Top Notes
  • Basil
  • Bergamot
  • Cinnamon
  • Clary Sage
  • Coriander
  • Eucalyptus
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon
  • Lemongrass
  • Lime
  • Orange
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint
  • Tea Tree
  • Thyme

Middle notes 

Middle notes typically have a balancing effect on the perfume.  They are the body of the scent.
The smells of middle notes are not always immediately evident and may take a couple of minutes to come into their own right.  They are normally warm and soft fragrances.
The following essential oils are considered middle notes:
  • Black Pepper
  • Cardamom
  • Chamomile
  • Cypress
  • Fennel
  • Geranium
  • Juniper
  • Lavender
  • Marjoram
  • Melissa
  • Myrtle
  • Nutmeg
  • Palma Rosa
  • Pine
  • Rosemary

Base notes 

The base notes tend to be heavy.  They will evolve over time and will slow down the evaporation of the top notes.  They are rich and relaxing and anchor the perfume while their scent lingers.
The following essential oils are considered base notes:
  • Cassia
  • Cedarwood
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Frankincense
  • Ginger
  • Jasmine
  • Myrrh
  • Patchouli
  • Rose
  • Rosewood
  • Sandalwood
  • Vanilla
  • Vetiver
  • Ylang Ylang

How interesting was that?!  Get creative and mix oils that make sense to your senses!  You are going to have to takes some risks here because we can't know for sure how it will blend and mature over those 6 weeks.

My favorite trio is TOP NOTE-Lemon MIDDLE NOTE-Lavender and BASE NOTE-Sandalwood.  Absolutely heavenly to my nose!

 “A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting. ”
― Christian Dior

As promised, there is a simple recipe for solid perfume.  It's a salve of sorts.  I made mine because it will be great to take on vacations or keep in my purse.  No worries of spills and when I need a boost of scent or a mini aromatherapy session it's right there!

 Solid Perfume

 1 TBSP Beeswax
20-25 drops Base Note
20-25 drops Middle Note
10-15 drops Top Note
Melt beeswax and oil in a double boiler.  Once beeswax is completely melted, remove from heat and add essential oils.  Pour into containers.  This recipe makes 1 ounce. 

Don't forget, this would make a creative Christmas gift for friends and family!