Catmint Magical & Medical Properties
Common Names: Catnip, catmint
Latin Name: Nepeta Cataria
Parts Used: Leaves and flowering tops
Magickal Properties: Animal magick, beauty, happiness, love. Catnip is a feminine plant associated with Venus and the element of Water.
Magickal Uses: Use with rose petals in love sachets. Catnip enhances beauty and happiness. Grow it near your home to attract good spirits and great luck. Press a leaf and use it as a bookmark in your spell book to enhance the power of your magick.
Medicinal Properties: Anti-spasmodic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, sedative.
Medicinal Uses: Catnip is used as an tranquilizer, sedative, digestive aid, and treatments for cough, colds, colic, diarrhea, flatulence, fever, and insomnia. Extract of catnip has been found to be cytotoxic to HELA-S3 cancer cells in cell culture. Catnip tea is used to treat everything from colds to cancer. Common uses are: as a digestive tonic, and mild sleeping aid. Catnip eases upset stomachs. It is good for treating children's diarrhea.
Digestive Aid: Catnip may soothe the smooth muscles of the digestive tract (making it an antispasmodic). Have a cup of catnip tea after meals if you are prone to indigestion or heartburn.
Women's Health: Antispasmodics calm not only the digestive tract but other smooth tracts as well, such as uterus. Catnip's antispasmodic effect supports its traditional use for relieving menstrual cramps. Catnip is also used as a menstruation promoter.Pregnant women should avoid using this herb.
Tranquilizer: Catnip is a mild tranquilizer and sedative.
Infection Prevention: Catnip has some antibiotic properties. It is used for the treatment of diarrhea and fever.
Dosage: A catnip tea can be made by adding 250 ml (1 cup) of boiling water to 1-2 teaspoons of the herb; cover, then steep for ten to fifteen minutes.
Adapted from gypsymagicspells
Photo by Citrine Waters
Common Names: Catnip, catmint
Latin Name: Nepeta Cataria
Parts Used: Leaves and flowering tops
Magickal Properties: Animal magick, beauty, happiness, love. Catnip is a feminine plant associated with Venus and the element of Water.
Magickal Uses: Use with rose petals in love sachets. Catnip enhances beauty and happiness. Grow it near your home to attract good spirits and great luck. Press a leaf and use it as a bookmark in your spell book to enhance the power of your magick.
Medicinal Properties: Anti-spasmodic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, sedative.
Medicinal Uses: Catnip is used as an tranquilizer, sedative, digestive aid, and treatments for cough, colds, colic, diarrhea, flatulence, fever, and insomnia. Extract of catnip has been found to be cytotoxic to HELA-S3 cancer cells in cell culture. Catnip tea is used to treat everything from colds to cancer. Common uses are: as a digestive tonic, and mild sleeping aid. Catnip eases upset stomachs. It is good for treating children's diarrhea.
Digestive Aid: Catnip may soothe the smooth muscles of the digestive tract (making it an antispasmodic). Have a cup of catnip tea after meals if you are prone to indigestion or heartburn.
Women's Health: Antispasmodics calm not only the digestive tract but other smooth tracts as well, such as uterus. Catnip's antispasmodic effect supports its traditional use for relieving menstrual cramps. Catnip is also used as a menstruation promoter.Pregnant women should avoid using this herb.
Tranquilizer: Catnip is a mild tranquilizer and sedative.
Infection Prevention: Catnip has some antibiotic properties. It is used for the treatment of diarrhea and fever.
Dosage: A catnip tea can be made by adding 250 ml (1 cup) of boiling water to 1-2 teaspoons of the herb; cover, then steep for ten to fifteen minutes.
Adapted from gypsymagicspells
Photo by Citrine Waters
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