Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer - June 2013

Photo: Mercury Retrograde in Cancer
 Mercury goes retrograde at 24* Cancer June 26–July 20
A lot of people ask, “What is Mercury Retrograde?”:
This happens three to four times per year, when the planet Mercury slows down, and appears to stop (station) and move backward (retrograde). It's an optical illusion, since there is forward movement, like speeding by a slow-moving train -- as it recedes, it appears to go backward.
When Mercury is retrograde, remain flexible, allow time for extra travel, and avoid signing contracts. Review projects and plans at these times, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions.
Some people find that their computers go on the fritz or phone lines go down. If you're at all jittery about it, go ahead and back up your important files.
There can be delays, so give yourself plenty of time to get places. What happens in those down times? Mercury retro is known to be a time of 'fated' events -- who will you meet? What will be revealed? Consider it a time-out to catch up & reflect. The Mercury retrograde is a time for review, when the underlying patterns come to light.
With Mercury retrograde in Cancer, our emotions are suddenly front and center.   Watch out for miscommunications which turn into hurt feelings.   It's time to express what you're feeling, but try not get caught up in your own or other people's dramas.   Cancer will turn the mind toward things like family, home and the invisible emotional bonds that connect us.
Also when in Cancer: Expect annoyances at home with baking, gardening, and household duties under domesticated Cancer. Complete repair projects that weren't finished or done correctly.
Multiple planets (Mercury, Venus, Moon, Sun, Jupiter and later Mars) having been moving through Cancer since June, each making up the third leg of a grand water trine along with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.   While trines (having a planet in each of the three same elemental signs) offer us gifts and talents, because of the closed nature of a trine, they can sometimes be hard to access.   But this grand trine feels different, especially because it flows with so many planets moving through the dance.   And with a water trine, our boundaries are also fluid, making us more "psychic' and open to each other.  This healing trine brings us wisdom and greater consciousness.   Stay open so your dreams and feelings can guide you in reshaping your life. 
Find new ways to communicate how you're feeling rather than being taken over by your emotions.   You might find yourself being cranky…   It's time to learn how to listen to the emotions behind the words.   Sometimes we're saying one thing but really want to say another.   So have patience.     With cosmic blessings flowing now, give people a break and try not to project the worst onto what they're saying.
Why would the Universe give us Mercury retrograde? Because to move forward it is sometimes necessary to backtrack and reconfigure our paths in life. It is important to reconsider, repair, reflect, and reconnect. Mercury forces us to slow down and fix what's broken, and in so doing, rethink things. It also gives us time to get to projects we have put on the back-burner.
A little history ~
Mercury comes from the Latin word merx, or mercator, which means merchant. Mercury is the name given by the ancient Romans to the Greek mythological god Hermes.
Mercury is depicted as a male figure having winged sandals and a winged hat, indicating the ability to travel quickly. He was the official messenger of the ancient gods and goddesses and, as such, governed communications.
In 1782, Mercury became the first symbol of the United States' postal service. Today, he is the Icon of an International floral delivery service.
In astrology, Mercury influences travel, literature, poetry, merchants, and thieves. He is cunning and witty at a moment's notice. But he is also recognized as a trickster and prone to misbehavior.
This year, all the retrogrades are in water signs. This foretells times of tracing emotional memories to the roots and picking up lost threads of meaning. The emotional dimension is recovered, with the wisdom that goes with it. A lost idea or person can return, especially someone has a mysterious pull on the soul or psyche.
• February 23–March 17 in mystical Pisces
• June 26 to July 20 in responsive Cancer
• October 21 to November 10 in super psychic Scorpio
When Mercury starts turning in an apparent backward motion, we will start to feel the effects of this event days or even as far as two weeks earlier. When the planet normalizes we will see the tempo of events pick up in our lives as the planet becomes "stationary" and then speeds forward.
Just observe and see what happens, and be open to the past returning for review. If it's coming back, there's likely something more to learn or release from it. This can be a good (and productive) time, in its own way.
By ~Citrine~

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