Monday, August 5, 2013

Patchouli Oil from confessionsofcraftywitches

How to Make Patchouli Oil

Patchouli oil is a natural insect repellent and thought to have relaxing properties. The plant is a member of the mint family and grows well in warm, tropical climates. Commercially, the oil is extracted from the leaves using a solvent and must go through a distillation process. This method is difficult to do at home. However, using the dried leaves of the plant and letting them diffuse in oil is a more practical way to make your own patchouli oil

Antibacterial fights infections provides acne relief
Anti-yeast heals skin disorders sports athletes feet fungus
Antiseptic heals burns, cuts and boils
Antiviral fights coughs / common colds reduces fever breaks up mucous
Anti-aging firms pores, reduces facial lines
Anti-depressant relieves stress, anxiety calms
Refreshing scent


Things You'll Need

Dried patchouli leaves
Carrier oil, such as olive oil, jojoba or sweet almond oil
Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil  (if you want to make a light moisturizing oil)
Olive oil (if you want to make a massage oil)
Small glass mason jar with lid

Decorative glass bottle


Clean the glass mason jar and lid with warm soapy water. Dry jar thoroughly.

Fill the jar with dried patchouli leaves, leaving 1 inch from the top empty.

Pour carrier oil in the jar over the dried patchouli. Fill to the top and screw on lid. Shake the jar.

Boil a saucepan full of water. Take it off the heat, and then put the jar in the water. Let it "cook" until water cools. Remove jar from water and shake well.

Store jar in a cool, dry place for 30 days. Each day, shake the jar of patchouli mixture well.

Line a funnel with cheesecloth and stick the end of the funnel into a decorative glass bottle. Pour your patchouli mixture through the funnel. All the pieces of leaves will get strained out, leaving you with your own patchouli oil! Wear often and enjoy! It also makes a great massage oil

Because I loved this post so much!!!

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